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Selectmen Minutes 05/15/2007
Chichester Board of Selectmen
May 15, 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm

SUBJECT: Town Organization Committee  
PRESENT: Bruce Dyke, Lisa Drouse & Alan Mayville   

The Board met with the committee to discuss areas in which to move forward.  Priorities established to focus on are; conduct an on-line survey, look at service levels for the fire department and establishing open dialogue between Select Boards of area communities for exchange of data and ideas.  The committee will meet and discuss the Board’s recommendations and then meet back with the Board on June 12, 2007.  

SUBJECT: Building Permit – Hillcrest Campground
PRESENT: Bob Cavacco & Pat Grigware

Mr. Cavacco is in the process of subdividing his lot and building a storage facility with office space and he would like to build a dwelling out back for him to live in and use the current dwelling up front for the office manager to reside in. Under the Growth Management Ordinance, any new dwelling falls within the maximum twelve permits issued per year.  This year all permits for new dwellings have been issued, therefore Mr. Cavacco will have to be placed on the waiting list. Mr. Cavacco came before the Board seeking their assistance in obtaining a permit for this year.  The Board of Selectmen does not have the authority to go outside the Growth Management Ordinance or any zoning.
The Board advised Mr. Cavacco that his avenue to appeal was through the Board of Adjustment.  The Board of Adjustment is the only Board that can make exceptions to the zoning.  
Mr. Cavacco discussed his desire to remove some trees and slope the area in front of his property.  This area may be within the State right of way.  The Selectmen advised Mr. Cavacco to speak with the Department of Transportation on this matter and perhaps this work is part of the upcoming sidewalks project.  

SUBJECT: Office Space Reorganization
PRESENT: Donna Chagnon, Chuck Scheys, Andrea Deachman, Chris Weir, Jamie Pike & Ed Meehan

The Board invited those departments sharing office space to come in and discuss any concerns they may have or foresee with the proposed restructuring plan.

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Chairman Colbert began by outlining the need for a confidential workspace for the Town Administrator.  Lisa summarized the reorganization by identifying not only a private work area was needed but more importantly an increase in customer service levels is needed to provide the community with more efficient customer service.  Centralizing the front office and offering hours of operation for the planning department combined with some cross training for the secretaries is the second phase of this plan.   

Concerns expressed from the trustees were- Trust Fund records are not public documents, computer access to trust fund software/records must be restricted.

These records will be kept locked and located in a locked office space just as they are now.  The computer files will be password protected.

Mr. Meehan, Chairman of the Board of Adjustment questioned the access by the public to the public records.  The public will not be accessing the offices.

SUBJECT:  Forest Fire Duties
PRESENT: Paul Sanborn & Matt Cole

Mr. Sanborn came to the Board to discuss information relayed to him by a fire department member.  Mr. Sanborn asked the Board directly if the Board or any member of the Board directed the Fire Chief to have Paul arrested for using town vehicles.  The Board responded no.  

Paul informed the Selectmen that he offered his services to Forest Fire Warden Steve Stock.  Paul and Steve made arrangements (presuming Mr. Sanborn had a current w-4 on file with the town) that Paul could be hired by the Warden and respond to the station and drive a piece of forestry apparatus to a brush fire.  Mr. Sanborn stated, during last Tuesday’s brush fire on Route 4, fire danger was very high and it was a red flag warning day, I took the Forestry One vehicle to the scene.  For the fire on Fred Wood Drive, a student drove me over and I followed the orders from the Fire Chief. Paul further stated Chief Vien asked him if he was coming out of retirement.  Paul responded to him stating he has offered to help Steve out.  The next morning Paul was contacted by the Warden who stated he had information from a fire department member who was called into the Chief’s office and told that if he sees Paul Sanborn in a piece of town equipment to notify the Chief and the Chief will have Mr. Sanborn arrested.

Mr. Sanborn asked the Board if this statement was made to intimidate Paul or if I show up, there will be an issue. Mr. Sanborn stated he feels he is being targeted.  At no point has the Fire Chief come to Paul and said he didn’t think Paul should be driving a town truck.

Secondly, Mr. Sanborn wished to discuss the letter from the Fire Chief regarding the link to the Suncook Valley Fire Department and clear up the misconception that he was

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responsible for it’s placement on the town’s website. Mr. Sanborn stated emphatically that he doesn’t have any control over the link. A phone call to me would have been more appropriate.

In reference to the fire call, Chairman Colbert stated he was also caught off guard and thought Paul was on the scene as a Concord firefighter.  The Chairman continued by stating didn’t Paul think Gil (Fire Chief Vien) had not been given a little courtesy, that Warden Stock could have taken the time to notify Gil about hiring Paul.  Chairman Colbert finished by stating that Gil has 110% support from him and he is getting a little frustrated with this whole situation.

Selectman DeBold stated he too is frustrated with this situation.  The fire department members need to get along.

Chairman Colbert asked what Mr. Sanborn was looking for from the Board.  The Selectmen have discussed the website link matter with the Fire Chief.  

Mr. Sanborn asked the Board to remind the Fire Chief to get his facts first before lashing out at someone.  Mr. Sanborn stated he is willing to help out and cooperate.

Selectman DeBold stated for the record that the phrase “have arrested” has never been spoken at this table.  Chairman Colbert informed Mr. Sanborn that during a meeting with the Fire Chief on Thursday, May 10, 2007, the Selectmen asked the Fire Chief why Mr. Sanborn was at the scene of the brush fire.

At this meeting, the Fire Chief stated his concern about liability to the town when using Paul when not in an emergency situation.  The Board was not familiar with the Forestry laws during this discussion and has since directed the Town Administrator to speak with the State Ranger for clarification.

Mr. Sanborn impressed upon the Board to have Gil attend management classes.  

The Board of Selectmen is committed to working with Gil to help make him successful.

Chairman Colbert stated it is unfortunate that the department members don’t feel the same and some are working to undermine the Chief.

Matt Cole requested the Board enter into a non-public session to substantiate Mr. Sanborn’s information regarding the comment by the Fire Chief to have Paul arrested.  

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The Board declined that request for this evening and will affirm with counsel as to correct protocol in this matter.

Mr. Cole stated his concerns in speaking openly are for repercussions and non-truthful statements.

Selectman MacCleery did not wish to entertain any new business at this hour.

Lisa was directed to speak with town counsel and schedule a meeting for next week with all relevant parties present.


Selectman MacCleery confirmed the availability of the Selectmen’s Conference Room for the Board of Adjustment hearing on Wednesday evening.

Selectman MacCleery inquired as to correspondence from town counsel regarding the request for information from Chairman Meehan for the Board of Adjustment hearing on the Moses application.  The Selectmen have not seen any written response on this matter. Selectman DeBold did inform Selectman MacCleery that the Planning Board discussed this at their last meeting and determined they could not rule on the lot line adjustment, per Town council and this non-conforming issue has to go before the Board of Adjustment.

Lisa updated the Board on her discussion with State Forest Ranger Doug Miner.  The Board reviewed the Forest Fire Warden Manual at length and discussed RSA’s 227-L: 11 and 227-L: 13 at great length.

The Administrator updated the Board on her general discussions this week with town counsel regarding ongoing issues with the fire department. The Right to Know Law was discussed at length.  Lisa was directed to follow up with the attorney.
Accounts payable and payroll were signed.  

The Board signed additional exemptions for residences in the commercial zone that have
been received by the Selectmen’s office this week.  A second notice has been sent to
those properties that have not returned their applications to the office as of May 10, 2007.
Tax bills went out with the exemptions in place for now.  

The Board approved the minutes of May 8, 2007 as corrected; page 4, third paragraph,
first sentence add the following wording after that… the use of the forestry vehicle…; page 5, eighth paragraph, remove the words of demotion.  

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Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:43PM.

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens
Administrator                                   APPROVED AS CORRECTED                                                                           5/22/2007
David Colbert, Chairman

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery